
This Site:

My goal is to encourage people to think about God and to want to know Him better.  I hope that some will realize the excitement and joy that come from growing closer to Him through Jesus Christ.  Audre Lorde said “There are no new ideas. There are only new ways of making them felt.”  Because of this, I am attempting to communicate genuinely; with honesty, humor, and an admittedly slightly nerdy perspective.  



After 27 years working as an electrical engineer, I recently decided to quit my profession and start a new chapter.  It was the first time in my life that I wasn't on a predetermined path; graduate from high school, get through engineering school, get a job, get married, have babies, adopt, get a graduate degree, then survive each day.  

There were several reasons, factors, and events behind my decision to quit, but it was ultimately an answer to months of prayer.  For the last several years, I have been unable to shake the feeling that it was time for me to focus my efforts on something different.  If I was ever going to make a change, it had to be soon.  I have the benefit of the wisdom that comes from years of life lessons. Two of my kids are in college and the youngest is in high school.



Something to Offer

I know what it is like to have passion for my work, to wake up excited to make progress on a project, and to be driven to do my very best each day, and I want that again.  More importantly, I have always hoped to work on something more deeply rooted in my heart, so the choice was easy.  The one thing that I am most passionate about and sure of is Christianity.  Nothing is more important.  

My convictions about Jesus and Christianity haven’t come without struggle.  From the start, I have had to fight for my faith.  As soon as I started reading the Bible, I had countless questions.  After six months of seeking answers, I was thoroughly convinced that Christianity was the truth.


Because I have close relationships with people who do not share my beliefs, I have been faced with many objections to Christianity and/or God.  Having my beliefs challenged has prompted me to seek truth, whether or not I like what I find.  This process has included much prayer, deeper Bible study, and reading extra biblical resources.  Consequently, the roots of my faith are deep.  Furthermore, I have gained understanding and respect for those who disagree with me.  This ongoing process has been indispensable to my growth toward maturity in Christ; I would be a different person without these difficulties and struggles.

I understand weakness and have come to see the value it brings to those who choose to make the journey through life’s difficulties by clinging to God.  Over the years, I have remained faithful through some extremely difficult situations, and have learned a great deal from others as well as from the consequences of my own decisions.


Finally, I have been especially interested in and have spent much time reading about science and Christianity.  Even though many have argued against faith in God on scientific grounds, I continue to find delving into all disciplines of science more exciting and faith building than ever.


I pray that you find this resource encouraging and helpful.  

If you have any feedback that you would like to share, I would be delighted to hear from you! 

